How it Works

Your three-week Follies experience begins with a Meet the Director kick-off event. At this event, participants can sign-up and get a taste of what's to come over the course of your Follies experience.
Choose from eleven dazzling shows! CAP Follies will supply a director, scripts, music, fantastic costumes,
and a dose of fun that will bring laughs and renewed teamwork to
your organization.
Read and share great Follies
memories here.
There are many types of fund-raising projects. We are thrilled to
be a business that allows people to meet their fund-raising
goals while having a great time doing it!

Staging a Follies showcases the skill and talent of your community -​​
both on and off stage - and the benefits are well worth it! It takes only three weeks for CAP Follies to help your organization stage your very own amateur musical fund-raising event.

After you choose what show you'd like to do, CAP Follies will supply
a director, scripts, music, fantastic costumes, and a dose of fun that will bring laughs and renewed teamwork to your organization.

Have a look around and see what a CAP Follies show can do for you!

-Chris Fettig, Executive Producer​​
​A time-tested tradition in many communities, a CAP Follies show may earn an average of $35,000 - $40.000 as an annual or bi-annual event.
"CAP Follies gave us all one
of the nicest experiences​​​
we can remember"​​​​​​​​​
​-Harm & Mike Borfitz, ​
New York
"How much can we raise?" ​​​​​​​​​